Sunday worship 10:00am
Communion is celebrated on the first Sunday of each month.
Children’s Sunday school time is during the worship service at 10 AM.
(Children from ages 2 – 6th grades will be dismissed to their Sunday school room after the Children’s message and pastoral blessing)
Our services typically are a blended worship style with both traditional hymns and contemporary songs.
Each Sunday in worship, we join as a congregation to praise and glorify God, filling ourselves with the word of God. We share our joys and concerns, listen to God’s holy word, and offer our thanks for God’s blessings, reminding us to walk in the way of Jesus Christ each and every day.
*Coffee hour is held after the service for refreshments and fellowship with members and visitors.
Special services
Special services occur throughout the year, based on the Seasons of the Church Year.
During the Maundy Thursday service we join together for a light meal, Communion and reenact the Last Supper in a dramatic way, concluding the service with the Tenebrae, extinguishing the lights of the sanctuary in anticipation of Jesus Christ’s death on Good Friday.
The Christmas Eve service is a special candlelight service as the entire congregation gathers for a service of scripture readings, carols and Candlelight.
Music has always been a very integral part of worship at St. John’s United Church of Christ.
Special Musical Worship is held throughout the year including Jazz Sunday, Hand Bell Choir, Chancel Choir, Bel Canto Choir, and other musical guests from the Blue Mountain Academy’s music program.
More about our Music at St. John’s
Additional Worship Times:
Ash Wednesday, 7 PM
Maundy Thursday, 7 PM
Easter Sunday, 10 AM
Christmas Eve, 8 PM